June 27, 2015. Glacier National Park – Eastside
10:30 pm. Doug and I simply can’t go to sleep while it is still light out. They say this has been one of the hottest June’s in many years. We would like to get to bed early so we would get up and get our day started before the heat picks up. By 1030 it has cooled down and is time for a fire, but it is bed time.
This was a beautiful critter we ran in to in the parking lot last evening at 9PM leaving Logan Pass. I thought we had to hike to see these things but they just wander around checking out the tourists!

Doug’s friend found him at the park headquarters!

(Bonny insists that I tell you that the upper picture is one SHE took of a real Big Horn Sheep while the in the lower picture I’m hugging a statue! Pretty lifelike isn’t it?- Doug)