We made it from Memphis to Nashville just in time for the show. We got to sit just outside the studio and watch and then met Dave during a commercial break.

The building and studio were somehow exactly as I expected. The welcome was also as I expected, warm and friendly. They even have a coffee shop & bookstore and provided home made cookies. Doug “the cookie monster” loved this. Even though our question was not used on the broadcast, they had us meet with one of Dave’s staff to answer that and any other questions we had regarding paying off our mortgage helping the grandkids. Some of the pictures below show a wall of the sayings you become accustomed to if you listen to his show regularly. Two of my favorites are…”The paid off mortgage is replacing the BMW as the status symbol of choice”. “Remember, there’s ultimately only one way to financial peace and that’s to walk daily with the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus”. This is one of the most incredible organizations I have ever come in contact. I would love to work there.
The drive through Nashville to Clarksville was beautiful. As last time, 2 years ago, we are following Spring. Everything is green and the white Dogwood are blossoming. Doug reminded me that Tennessee is “the greenest state in the land of the free”…quote from Davie Crockett.
View from my window – Clarksville, TN near Fort Campbell, KY
We had home made pizza that night at the home of good friends Bob & Julie Johnson. I will stop complaining about LA traffic after a conversation with Julie. Julie is a professor at Vanderbilt and has always taken their son to school in Nashville on her way to work. This is about 40 miles each way daily…fast forward…their son is now a junior in high school and is on the tract team. We all remember what it is like ushering our kids to all their school events, sports, and other obligations. Because of the dependably bad traffic in Nashville, they have leased an apartment in town to accomplish this. Bob (the dad) is retired and now commutes almost daily to Nashville to fix dinner and attend school activities. Their home in Clarksville has become their “country home.”
Doug and Bob managed to get away and fly their drones. Doug still talks longingly about the days when he was a pilot and Bob was a Black Hawk pilot and senior officer with the Night Stalkers. Bob was career Army and stationed at Fort Campbell when Doug was a surgeon with the 101st. ABN for two years …they have remained good friends all these years. Boys and boy toys….smile. In August of 1981 Doug and Bob flew across the country from Fort Campbell, Ky to Long Beach in Doug’s 1951 restored Bonanza. There are many stories about that flight and that old plane!
Bob took us to this store and it is a HOOT!!! a new concept to me. This is how it works. Picture a big store front or warehouse full of rolling bins. These bins a full of “stuff”. On Saturdays the bins are filled with all new stuff that costs $5. By Thursday everything is $1 and on Friday it is $.25. Saturday starts again with all new stuff. “you never know what you will find” Bob says some people buy there and then make a living selling on eBay. He once found a beautiful high end faucet set. Doug found a BP cuff like we use in the office and paid over $60 for in Costco. We were speculating where the merchandise originated and we think Amazon returns that are not worth the effort to restock, overstocks, and inventory reductions. It was fun and would have loved to go back but we were off to Knoxville the next day.
“Adam Ruins Everything”
This is a cable channel program that Bob got us hooked on. I think we sat and watch 5 episodes of this very funny and educational program. Medical costs, immigration, hygiene, the entertainment industry to name a few. We absolutely have to find this when we get back from this trip. It is soooooooooo good. I think it was on something like “the Truth” channel or something like that. It deserves more research.
“Doug Does Everything”
No this is not another TV show. Doug actually does everything on this trip from drive, navigate, purify the water, plug us in, audio entertainment, maintains the electric toilet, not to mention all the advanced planning. The RV with the Jeep attached cannot back up without unhooking the Jeep, a little mistake or wrong turn can turn into a huge headache. Even getting fuel requires preplanning. My jobs are cooking, cleaning, and laundry. So far on this trip we have eaten out most nights. I have done laundry while visiting friends. And I have vacuumed once since we have been on the road. How hard is it to keep 320 sq. feet clean? (Doug here: pretty hard when I’m around) We have not watched TV (other than at Bob’s) in 3 weeks…haven’t missed much. We drive down the highway listening to audio books and the Best of Elvis.