I toured the museum with a delightful 4th grade teacher with incredible energy and inquisitiveness. I also met the most fascinating man during our time at Hillsdale, Marvin Treiger.
Marv was a radical leftist and communist in his 20-30’s. He became involved with the Weather Underground and knew Bill Ayres and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn. At the time, he had a black girlfriend but the Black Panthers told her she need to drop him because he was white. As he aged and he explored life he became a conservative and today he is a Trump lover. What a life journey! I had the pleasure of his company on the bus ride to Detroit. He had a lot to say and I listened!
Another interesting couple went to high school with Hillary Clinton and they have seen her over the years at class reunions. Ken and Patti both remember Hillary when she was a Goldwater girl in the 1964 election. I guess she “evolved” over time.
The president of the college, Larry Arnn, showed up as we were touring a large chapel under construction. He and the architect (bow tie) showed up and finished the tour with us. It gave me a great appreciation of all the intricacies and planning that go into building a structure for a multitude of purposes.

I cannot say enough about this experience. We both want to come back for a series on Economics. I am not sure why it has taken 70 years for me to become interested in the history of this country and its founding fathers…I was more interested in dissecting a frog when I was in college.