We have moved from American Oaks in Eastham to a new site in Sweet Water Forrest in Brewster. Sweet Water is a more secluded tree covered camp ground. We have the same great site we had 2 years ago fronted by the largest Rhododendron I have ever seen! I think we will watch the flowering over the next 5 days we are here.

Yes we have had some sunny beautiful days and our friends have taken full advantage of it by taking us out on their boat and cruising the cape. This was their first time out since returning from their winter home in Florida. It is true that the Cape is always changing. We “ran into” some sand bars that were not there last year. We found ourselves in some pretty shallow water way away from the shore. I was basically oblivious to the whole thing, enjoying the sun and the view.
I joined Lona and her friends for an early morning walk in their neighborhood of drop dead beautiful “cottages” with sandy beaches as their backyard. Although many of the popular beaches get crowded in the summer, you can always find an almost isolated beach to just “beach walk”. Lona amazes me with her talent. She is a very talented painter with oils as her preference and a superb cook. Her studio is covered with her work and that is only a fraction of what has not been sold.
Ina Gardner is her inspiration…we dined on fresh gazpacho soup, snap peas and carrots in sesame oil, red potato salad and BBQ chicken. It takes me a week to plan a meal like that.
Here a picture is worth a 1000 words. Cape Cod is beautiful and colorful!
Doug is so funny. I find if I ask him one little teeny weeny question…it results in a lecture about how, why, and what if…smile. Today I asked him to reach an ice cube in the freezer so I could replace the tray…well, you guessed it, it resulted in defrosting the whole freezer!!!!!!