Leaving our RV tucked in and stored at a farm outside of Dulles Airport, we are heading back to Long Beach for a whirlwind weekend. Melanie and Mike are having a ceremony to recognize their marriage in the Catholic Church followed by Charlotte’s baptism. Friends of M & M are staying with us at our house in Long Beach…Haley, Jessie, & Jessica. Saturday was a day long celebration of Charlotte’s 1st Birthday. Another announcement that was a surprise to of us…Charlotte is going to be a big sister. We were told that this baby is the size of a blueberry and already has a 4 chambered heart.

Flying from Dulles to LAX was actually a pleasure. Apparently Alaska Airlines has recently acquired Virgin Air. We enjoyed 2 movies and the ability to order food from the computer screen at our seat. Thumbs up for Virgin. The United flight back to Washington got us back safely, but not with as much enthusiasm…glad I brought a good book because nothing else worked.