May 8…more sightseeing
We have meet several people that don’t own cars here in Washington and wonder how they do their shopping, so we asked a young woman on the Metro. Apparently all the stores have delivery services. For a $ 5-7 fee, anything you could possibly want can be delivered to your doorstep even if you live on a 5th floor flat without an elevator. This is a concept that is foreign to Californians.
Newseum…Defending the 1st Amendment
This is a must see for any Washington sightseer. It is not part of the Smithsonian, it is private and costs about $20 for a 2 day pass. All material is presented from the perspective of the media. One of our favorites, and so emotional, is a collection of all the Pulitizer Prize winning photographs and Photos of the Year. Another was the FBI exhibit featuring stories about the Oklahoma bombings,, the Shoe Bomber, Boston Bombing. They will take you up to a 6th floor patio in the largest glass hydraulic elevator in the world. The unobstructed view of the Capital is breathtaking.