What a fun day today. We went to the American History Museum around noon. We are finding that we cannot focus much more than 4 hours at a time. We definitely have to go back because we only saw 1/3 of the offerings. We enjoyed an hour tour by a very animated docent. I particularly enjoyed seeing the official White House china used by the different First Ladies and the gowns they wore at the inauguration Balls. It was interesting to learn that each First Lady is allowed and encouraged to have her own style. Some were very formal while others like Dolly Madison were quite informal and fun loving. In some cases when the President was not married or widowed, a daughter or other family member or friend would serve in that place. The question was also posed…what will we do with tradition when the first woman is elected President. Hummm……Life is full of change and why am I just learning that?
Factoid…the Smithsonian is the largest museum complex in the whole world

After the museum was closed at 5 PM, I wanted to see Trump International Hotel, formerly the Old Postoffice Building. What a treat that was. First off we didn’t think we could get in unless we we guests there – no so! There were police and Secret Service officers everywhere. We think Paul Ryan was supposed to arrive. We got in after a thorough Secret Service search, plopped down and decided to stay a while. We had a bottle of Trump Red Wine and a cheese board…and settled in to watch. People watching is pretty fun in WDC especially with a good bottle of wine. BYW it was bottled in Montecello where Jefferson called home. To his credit, the huge TV’s in the atrium were both tuned to Fox and CNN. BTW…Paul Ryan didn’t show and our bottle was empty and the metro stops at 11…time to go.
Observations on the Metro. Doug and I are pretty outgoing and not shy in starting a conversation with just about anyone we meet. On the Metro NO ONE TALKS…granted it is very loud,,, but everyone is focused on a mobile phone…no one looks at other people…it is weird.
Christopher is arriving tomorrow for 4 days of nonstop touristing. He has never been to WDC before…Smile Smile Smile