Silver Falls State Park
“The Crown Jewel of the Oregon State Park System”

Silver Falls is known as the Crown Jewel for good reason – actually for 10 reasons. The park is nestled in a beautiful foothill rain forest just about 24 miles east of Salem, Oregon. The park features 10 waterfalls on the south fork and north fork of Silver creek as if flows out of the mountains down into the charming town of Silverton.
The falls are connected by an 8 mile hiking loop. We have visited all 10 of the falls over three days by starting from three different trail heads. We can’t move very quickly because Doug stops every 40 feet (it seems!) to set up for another photo. It is fall here and I have to be patient because the fall colors and waterfalls are beautiful. I realize that he is creating beautiful memories for us – but I like to HIKE!

The drive from I-5 to the park was through beautiful farm country. We passed many christmas tree farms. We have found the source! Rest assured they have all been shaped and are ready for your home in the next few weeks. The other crop here is grass seed which is known world wide for golf courses. Most of these rolling hills were heavy forests at one time but which were aggressively logged in the early 20th century. In fact the logging was so aggressive that they put themselves out of business!
Doug’s pictures will show you how beautiful the park itself is. You really are camping in a beautiful forest with wide beautiful campsites with privacy. Most of the park buildings were built in the early 1930’s by men working for the recession created Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The construction is magnificent – done by real craftsmen.
The Main Lodge is constructed of local rock and wood surrounded by beautiful lawns. It is the central meeting place for hikers and families – especially around the 20 foot high rock fireplace with a roaring fire! The original handmade wooden furniture is still in daily use.
The town of Silverton is only 15 miles away and is itself worth a visit. We explored the town and visited the Oregon Gardens – worthwhile. We then had dinner at a charming restaurant (Creekside Cafe) overlooking Silver Creek. I had a wonderful pork chop smothered in baked apples.

Yesterday it rained most of the day. We were quite dry and cozy in the RV – cooking spaghetti and reading. Doug is busy reading a biography of Thomas Jefferson by Jon Meacham (thanks Carl and Linda). Doug reports that the book is excellent! I am reading the second volume of the Century Trilogy by Ken Follette. This is a series of novels that follows four families from Great Britan, Germany, Russia and the United States through the lead up to WW I and continues through WW II. It has been wonderful and informative. I often remember our trips by the books I read during the quiet moments of each trip.

We are still looking to name the RV – any ideas?